National Park
27.12.02 10:20
The EinAvdat National Park lies along both sides of the Nahal Zin ravine on the northern fringes of the Avdat Heights, which are situated between the anticlines of the central and northern Negev Mountains and average 400- 600 meters (300-1,950 feet) above sea level. The upper levels of the Avdat Heights comprise strata of hard, white Eocene limestone bearing thin seams of brown-black flint. The basal strata are soft, mainly comprising clays and marls of reddish and greenish hues. In the geological past, before the Arava Valley sank during formation of the Great Riff, the upper channels of Nahal Zin flowed northwest from the Avdat Heights, draining into Nahal Ha-Besor, which in turn flowed into the Mediterranean. With the geotectonic depression of the Arava Valley, height differentials of hundreds of meters were created between the valley floor and the many seasonal streams flowing eastward. Accordingly, a kind of "rearward erosion" took place during rainy seasons in the streams, which leached out the soft underlayers of the ground, causing the collapse of the harder strata of rock above them. Thus the broad ravine of Nahal Zin was created, as was the Zinim Escarpment, which runs continuously for some 20 kilometers (12 miles) along the northern fringes of the Avdat Heights. Also, the channels of Nahal ,Ha-Besor were diverted eastward toward Nahal Zin - a phenomenon known as "watercourse capture". Differences in the level of the streams flowing on the top of the Avdat Heights and that of Nahal Zin created high waterfalls at the points of confluence. These continued eroding over centuries, cutting steep canyons, towering waterfalls and sheer cliffs tens of meters (dozens of yards) high. According to the concentration of travertine rocks and the remnants of a few prehistoric sites in the' area, it can be estimated that the canyon in its present form was created about. 45,OOOyears'ago. In its walls, clayey water-bearing strata were exposed which feed the upper spring, Ein Ma'arif, and - in the lower part of the canyon - Ein Avdat and Ein Mor. The springs and their immediate surroundings are like small oases in which there is a profusion of flourishing vegetation. The green color harmonizes with the whiteness of the limestone strata, presenting a unique landscape, which is among the most beautiful in the Negev. Thick plant growth burgeons along the stream; reeds, bulrushes, salt grass and the desert shrub Nitrarial stand out, and the greenery is ornately embellished, by saltbush and tamarisk. Algae grow in the pools, and in places where water drips constantly, there is an abundance of mosses and ferns, mainly maidenhair. A beautiful grove of Mesopotamian Poplar (Populus euphratica) is situated along the upper part of the stream. These are deep-rooted tropical trees, rare in the Negev. At the northern entrance to the canyon grows a lone Atlantic Terebinth (Pistacia atlantica), huge and ancient - about 250 years old. This deciduous tree is native to the (Irano- Turanian steppe, and bears silent witness to the rainier climate which at one time held sway in the area. Various animals live in proximity to the water, as do many kinds of birds: swifts, weathers, partridges and chukars, babblers and desert swallows, even vultures. Especially particular to this place are the rock doves, which nest in natural niches above the small streams. Notable among the mix of indigenous mammals are the ibexes and voles, and a nocturnal rodent, the desert dormouse, which is relatively rare. |
Access to Ein Avdat National Park is from Highway 40 (the Beer Sheva-Mitzpe Ramon road). There are two entrances to the Park: 1. The Northern Entrance: Between kilometer markers 130-131, turn east, as per the signboard, toward the Sde Boker Academy (Midreshet Sde Boker). Continue following the signs for about four kilometers to the lower parking lot (1 on map). 2. The Southern Entrance: Between kilometer markers 123-124, turn east, in accordance with the signboard. About one kilometer down the road, you will come to the upper parking lot (14), from which you can go to the observation point (10) and the top of Nahal Zin's upper waterfall. Admission to both entrances is permitted on one ticket (on the date of ticket purchase only). |
Calatorim pe soseaua 40 (the Beer Sheva-Mitzpe Ramon). Sint 2 intrari: 1. Intrarea nordica: Intre kilometrii 130-131, cotim spre est, conform indicatoarelor, spre Sde Boker Academy (Midreshet Sde Boker). Continua, conform indicatoarelor aprox. 4 kilometrii pina la parkarea "de jos". 2. Intrarea de sud: Intre kilometrii 123-124, cotim spre est, conform indicatoarelor. Dupa arpx. un kilometru ajungem la parcarea "superioara" de unde mergem pe jos la punctul de observatie spre cascada Nahal Zin. Pentru ambele intrari se plateste o singura data. |
A. Long One-Way Route, 2-3 hours walking time. The tour encompasses the length of Nahal Zin, from the lower parking lot via the lower pools and the poplar grove to the upper parking lot, and includes a short but steep climb up the canyon scarp. Those walking this route should arrange for a car to be waiting for them at the upper parking lot. B. Short Circuitous Route, 1-2 hours-walking time (segment of long tour). Hikers will come to the lower pools of Ein Avdat and the waterfall, from which point they can continue to the poplar grove on upper Nahal Zin. From here they return along the same route, following their footsteps back to the lower parking lot. At the end of this tour, those who are interested can ride to the upper parking lot in order to see the stream and upper waterfall from the observation point . |
A. Traseu lung sens unic, 2-3 ore de mers. Traseul e dea lungul intregului piriu Zin de la parcarea "de jos", prin lacusoarele de jos si poina pina la parcarea "superioara". Traseul include un urcus scurt dar abrupt pe peretele craterului. Cei ce aleg acest traseu trebuie sa arnjeze ca un vehicol sa-i astepte la parcarea "superiora". B. Traseu scurt, 1-2 ore de mers. De la parcarea "de jos" mergem pina la poina, la fel ca in traseul 'A". De acolo ne intoarcem pe acelas drum pina la parcarea de "jos". Dupa aceea putem ajunge la parcarea "superioara" cu msina. |